Tuesday, June 30, 2015



How are all of you?

I'm on summer vacation, have been for a little bit, and it's been pretty fun!

I've gone to the local mall quite a bit, went walking, to the gym...

Overall, it's been great so far.

My goals for this summer are as listed:

  • Make new friends
    • (Does anyone know any websites to meet people on? I'm 16, so things like meetup are technically illegal)
    • I was thinking maybe Tumblr, but I want to meet people in the flesh.
    • I was also considering volunteering, or joining a book club.
  • Work out and get more fit
    • Look sexy in that bikini!!
  • Play guitar some more and master basic chords
  • Sing some more, cover a few songs
  • Eat more healthy
  • Read some more books
  • Write more (poetry or novels, character development)
  • Work on makeup when I'm bored?
  • Buy a romper!
  • Sport some cute clothes!
  • Take pictures with my camera
  • Get a bit of a tan!
  • Find more music to get into
  • Learn how to saute
  • Go bike riding with someone (my brother or mom?)
  • Buy a pair of vans/converse
  • Hopefully go to Rhode Island!
  • Try new hairstyles
  • Get a job! (I've applied, now I just gotta wait..)
  • Write a book review
Any other ideas you guys have?

And what are your plans for this summer? (If it's summer where you are!)

Have an awesome day guys, and tell me how you've all been doing!

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