Saturday, August 2, 2014

Getting on Track- What to Do

I wrote up a whole list of what I want and need to improve upon and do the rest of this summer, and... it's gone. But is still somehow on my phone as a draft. So, I might as well just rewrite it, right?

(I, like, really really really really love this quote. It's
Inspired me a whole lot to not care what others think.)
Okay, first off, I need to gain confidence, learn to manage my anxiety and not take things like friendships and crushes too serious. Secondly, when school starts, don't care what others think. Be nice of course, but don't hide. I can wear what I want (in reason, of course) even if I think it may be flashy or too bright. Say hi to everyone and not care if they think I'm overly friendly. I'll add a quote on the side that I've really taken to... Yeah, so basically chill out and don't care about what people think (don't try to get a bad reputation though, of course). Also, hang out much much more!!!

Now, onto the second part. Actually start writing more. It can be songs, stories, whatever. Also sing more and start my singing channel. And even more, work on my gaming channel. Get voice lessons for singing, maybe get better equipment for recording (a better mic or capture card for xbox). Also, sign up for community services and definitely join that cat adoption thing!

And for school next year... Join the book club, writing club, working with disabled people club, etc. Dress however I want, as long as it's not slutty or horribly matched lmao.

So yeah, this is all really random but they are things I need to work on.. I need to get somewhere. I can't hide forever.

And sorry for my last post being really depressing. Sometimes anxiety gets a really good hold on me and gets me really upset. Anyhow, how are you guys doing? Is there anything you want to improve upon?

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. I want to improve on my dressing lol. My mom thinks my clothes are horrible and I agree that I dress sloppily. But I didn't care then. And then I look at all the other girls who look good and realise that I need to put more care in my appearance to feel good. I used to think fashion was for superficial people XD
    I nominated you for the TMi award by the way, you can go to this link to get it! Thanks!
