Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Favorite Book Series- The Archived

One of my favorite book series right now is "The Archived". It is heavily underrated, but such a good series. It has a mix of fantasy and real life problems, with some extremely lovable characters.

The first book is, not so surprisingly, called
"The Archived". It introduces the main characters, including the main girl "Mac" and her family, and a boy she meets at her new home named "Wesley".

Mac lost her brother recently, and her whole family is grieving the loss. Trying to escape the past and ignore it, her mother moves to a shady hotel far away from their original home. Also struggling with the death of her grandfather, Mac is having a really troublesome time. Not to mention, she holds the job in something called "the Archived", where she basically has to put the dead back to sleep. Occasionally, they wake up and it's her job to make them go back. She uses a key to open doors to the Archived to do this.

Delivering cupcakes door-to-door (her mother's running a business in the hotel), she meets a boy named Wesley. He is very emo/goth/scene, wears heavy dark eyeliner, has black, long hair. He also is heavily into metal music. However, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. (bad pun, I know) He is really sweet, silly and sarcastic,
and a bit of romance begins to bloom between the two, meanwhile unrest occurs in the Archive. And, at the same time, Mac's family is crumbling.

The second book is "The Unbound"

I'm not going to describe it too much, but Mac's summer vacation ends and she goes to her new school, where she meets new people. Meanwhile, someone from the past is messing with her and trying to frame her for a crime, so the Archive exiles her.

Over all, Victoria Schwab is just an amazing author. She has a way of wording things so deeply yet casually, and keeps the story realistic and fantasy-like in the same breath.

I can't wait for the third book to come!


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