Friday, July 4, 2014

Poison Ivy Crushes

How do you like a boy that you're friends with, without wanting to date them, or hoping for them to like you back?

The boy I liked before... Well, I'm kinda over. Almost over, I guess. I think I've finally come to the realization that he isn't right for me, at all. His mom's insane, like my ex's mother, and he's just over all a bit weird and shady. And he may be a player. Nuh uh- ain't nobody got time for that!

Recently, though, I became friends again with this boy I liked before. I liked him so much, because he was there for me after a brutal breakup (my only one- I'm not completely boy crazy, I've only dated one boy). And we bonded a lot, he's really nice and funny too. I've gotten over that crush, but I'm afraid I'll like him again if we become closer.

I know I don't have to date whoever I like, but I always really want to, with a burning desire. I think I just need to turn those thoughts off for a while... I don't need to date any of my crushes. Just let it ride out, and whoever's right for me will come along, and it will happen.

I feel bad for being on the computer too much recently. It makes me nervous I'm depressed or something, even though I can't possibly be now. It reminds me of all I did was watch anime- I don't want to get sucked into the computer-land again. But I guess it's alright to be on a lot for a few days, right?

Right now I've got poison ivy as well. However, even if I scratch it just a tiny bit, it goes absolutely crazy. It's all over me right now, and it's just kind of disgusting lol. Yet that boyish side of me is slightly fascinated by it. I'm always surprised by what can happen in life.

Despite my complaining above, though, life's been pretty good. I can't wait to go to the beach and hangout with more of my friends. And, once my poison ivy clears up, I'll be able to wear a mini-ish skirt (not too short, thank God) and an adorable dress I got from Areopostale. Not that I care much about name brands, but just in case you guys wanna get it. It's exactly like the one on the right, except it's in a much prettier color and print.

I have a bit of a belly, not big, but some extra pooch. And that dress does damn good hiding it c:. So if you have the same situation and there's a mall nearby, try it out if it's there! I usually don't gush over dresses... Now I'm a bit of a girly-girl. Oh nooooo


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