Monday, July 14, 2014

Games to play

Games I probably should play someday

- Red Dead Redemption
-Silent Hill (whole series, especially Downpour)
-Mirror's Edge
-Metal Gear Solid
-Mass Effect
-Tom Clancy (Splinter Cell: Blacklist)
-God of War
-Devil May Cry
-Dead or Alive (I played the old ones though)
-Max Payne
-Dead Rising
-Wolfenstein (newer ones)
-Resident Evil
-Dead Space


  1. I remember the silent hill on playstation being really good, I think it was the first of the series. I didn't ever beat it, but it was really good. I can confirm that God of War 1 and 2 is really good... wish I could get more into that series, but I got a 360. I loved the first Metal Gear game, lost interest after that. (I'm old school, ha) I loved Resident Evil 1 & 2, and I think the 4th one. I got resident evil 6, but I managed to break my disc drive, so all I can play is games on the hard drive.

    Good post!

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I believe my brother and dad played one of the first Silent Hill(s) too, though it was on the first Playstation. I was really young when they did, but I remember seeing tidbits and thinking it was really cool. However, I am one that now likes nice graphics, unfortunately. But if it's good enough, I'll definitely play the older games from series.

      I've also heard a lot about Resident Evil and Metal Gear, I definitely gotta play those.

      I could recommend some games to you if you want!
